CHIPPING TIME: electric chipper coming soon

(That's a picture I took while climbing & pruning the elms in Andover, MA. It has nothing to do with chipping but I love those trees.)
Wow! Before the end of October 2021 I'm going to be able to offer fully electric chipping! An electric chipper is officially on the way.
I stand by my position that ecologically, in our climate, unless there's a wildfire hazard, it's important to do the absolute minimum with respect to wood trimmings. If they can stay in place, they should. If they can be cut up small pieces in a brush pile, they should. Using the bare minimum of equipment necessary saves time, money, and preserves environmental cycles of decay.
That said, I recognize that sometimes it's simply not practical not to chip, and I hope to offer that option in a zero-carbon-ready way, which will soon be possible.
The next step, the one that's on my mind yet incomplete: the big step that is buying an e-bike that'll fit saws, climbing gear, the new electric chipper, and also be able to get safely to any job in a reasonable radius...