Pruning for Absolute Beginners

In the spring of 2020 I gave a brief Zoom tutorial on pruning to members of the Boston Workers Circle. The slideshow is below, but if you only take away two points, here they are:
1) Respect your tools, even (and almost especially) hand tools. Some of the most seasoned arborists I know still say that the vast majority of their close calls have been associated with ladders (as opposed to climbing, cranes, bucket trucks, etc.) Safety first.
2) You'll probably mess up some plants in order to get better. Remember that plants are not rock or brick hardscaping; they'll grow. Don't let that fear get in the way of experimentation and fun. Pruning is iterative, subjective, and varies based on a lot of factors unique to your plant and you. Pay attention but make some cuts.
Here's the slideshow, minus my notes:
The associated handout is here:
I'm always happy to give a version of this presentation upon request!
Here's a bonus video demonstrating the three-cut method (excuse the shakiness--I filmed it on a phone while my daughter was sleeping!). This method gives you a lot more control in making the final cut--it's safer for you and the plant: